Government in G.O.Ms.No.234 Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department dated 7th Purpose Vehicle named Hyderabad Metro Rail (HMR) Limited for implementing Mass Rapid Transit System Project in Hyderabad which would be managed by the Board of Directors. The Company is registered with Registrar of Companies under the Companies Act, 1956 (No.1 of 1956) on the Fourteenth day of May Two Thousand and Seven to engage in and / or facilitate the business of Mass Transit System and to enter into contracts with individuals companies and any other persons for purchase of equipment and for technical, financial or any other assistance for carrying out of in furtherance of all or any of the objects of the Company and commenced business on the said day.
Board of Directors has all the powers of sanction. Board of Directors delegated powers to Managing Director for sanction of works upto Rs.3.00 crore (Rupees three crore only) The Technical Officers are delegated the technical sanction powers and other duties as prevailing in the Government Departments. April, 2007 constituted a Special.
The Board of HMR make all decisions and such decisions will be implemented by the Managing Director, HMRL.
As HMR is acting on behalf of the Government of Telangana as a single point agency to implement Metro Rail Project, the rules, regulations, instructions and manuals that are being followed by Government Departments are being followed. Besides Manual of Standards and Specifications exclusively prepared for HMR Project is being followed for the Project.
HMR has appointed Public Information Officer and Appellate authority to look after the representations of the members of the Public.
Appellate Authority, Chief Project Manager, HMRL.
Public Information Officer & Public Relations Officer, HMRL.
Crafted with by Dhanyaayai
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