Lowest Carbon Footprint, A Truly Environment Friendly Transit

Source: Times of India, Hyderabad Dated July 21st, 2024

As Hyderabad’s air quality deteriorates and traffic jams worsen, there’s a growing need for public transport that can transport more people while minimizing harm to the environment. In this context, Hyderabad Metro’s carbon footprint study for the 2023 fiscal year shows its eco-friendly advantages. The report reveals that a 30-km metro trip produces 97% less CO2 than a car and 98% less than a bus, making it the greenest way for city dwellers to get around.

The detailed analysis found that a single metro coach uses 210 kilowatt hours of energy to move one person over 30 kilometres. This results in CO2 emissions of 190 kg for a coach that can hold 975 passengers. Compare this to a car with four people, which releases 1,200 kg of CO2, or a motorbike with two riders, emitting 730 kg. The difference is striking.

Metro officials say this has prevented 88 million kg of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. That’s like planting 88 million trees! They attribute this success to two main factors: regenerative braking technology and solar panels on station roofs. These innovations have helped the metro meet its climate goals.

The metro’s regenerative braking systems, found in both coaches and elevators, are quite impressive. They capture 40% of the energy used for traction and feed it back into the power grid. This recycling of energy significantly reduces the metro’s overall power consumption and carbon footprint.

But that’s not all. The metro has also installed an 8.35-megawatt peak captive solar power plant. This system spans all depots and covers the rooftops of 28 stations. It’s a big step towards sustainability, generating 10% of the metro’s total power needs from clean, renewable solar energy. These eco-friendly measures not only help the environment but also make the metro more cost-effective to run. By using less energy and generating some of its own power, the metro can keep ticket prices lower for passengers.

The benefits of the metro extend beyond just reducing carbon emissions. It also helps decrease road congestion, which in turn leads to less air pollution from idling vehicles stuck in traffic. This improvement in air quality has positive effects on public health, potentially reducing respiratory illnesses in the city. As Hyderabad continues to grow, the metro’s role in sustainable urban transport becomes increasingly important. Its success could serve as a model for other cities in India and around the world looking to build or expand their public transport systems in an environmentally responsible way.

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